

If you are a solicitor, licensed access or are a business or individual wishing to instruct Mukhtiar directly, you may contact him to obtain a quotation.

Instructing a barrister through the Direct Public Access scheme can reduce your costs whilst giving you total control over your case.

Mukhtiar often proposes an initial telephone consultation so he can be satisfied that the case is suitable under the Direct Public Access scheme; to help you decide if he is the right barrister for you; and to discuss strategy.

As you are in control over your case, you would agree with Mukhtiar in advance which aspects of the case you would like assistance with and the respective fee. Mukhtiar looks to agree fixed fees for specific types of work, although some aspects can be agreed to be charged at an hourly rate (which is normally between £175 per hour plus VAT and £300 per hour plus VAT). The fees will set out how VAT is charged.

Mukhtiar endeavours to be flexible to meet your needs. He will not carry out any work until the fees have been agreed. Therefore, you will not incur any costs until you have formally agreed for him to carry out the work.

The fixed fees and hourly rate vary in accordance with legal and factual complexity; value of the claim; and, if appropriate, the client’s means. On occasions, Mukhtiar would consider taking on a case on a CFA/DBA basis, but normally he would need to assess the merits of your case and so he may charge for this initial assessment.

Mukhtiar cannot estimate what your costs will be until he, or his clerks, have spoken to you. As soon as he has a clear picture of what you need, his clerks will send you a quote with his terms and conditions. You do not incur any costs until the fees are agreed and a contract signed. All fees are paid before any work is done.

Mukhtiar can be instructed if you have Legal Expenses Insurance or via a union and he will agree any reasonable panel rates.

To obtain a fast quote, please provide a short summary of your case and any forthcoming deadline.


Regulatory matters

Guidance about the Direct Public Access Scheme can be found here

If you instruct Mukhtiar, the client care letter will set out the terms and conditions fully. It is important that you check this document carefully and raise any questions prior to agreeing to it. If you wish to make a complaint, then the complaint procedure is set out within the client care letter.

If you are dissatisfied about how your complaint was dealt with, you can contact the Legal Ombudsman by post, telephone or e-mail:

Legal Ombudsman

PO Box 6806



Tel: 0300 555 0333
See also

Previous decisions made by legal service providers can be found here. The Barristers’ Register can be found here.