
  • “That's amazing!!! Thank you so much for everything, I couldn't have done it without your help and representation”.
  • Direct access client following successful appeal to the EAT (May 2024).

  • “We are glad a successful resolution was reached last week. Thank you once again for your Counsel on this matter”.
  • Instructing solicitor, whistleblowing and various discrimination claims (March 2024).

  • “Thanks – I think this is a really powerful document and the tactics are spot on. Thanks again, really appreciate the care and attention to detail on a limited budget”.
  • Instructing solicitor, race discrimination and dismissal claims (March 2024).

  • “Much appreciated and again thank you again for today.  I look forward to marking my 20 years in … with my professional and personal reputation restored”. 
  • Direct access client, disability discrimination (reasonable adjustments) (February 2024).

  • “Mukhtiar did a fantastic job arguing your case! Thanks for the update… Mukhtiar only does fantastic job!”
  • Instructing solicitor, and lay client response. Senior manager, race discrimination and victimisation appeal (February 2024).

  • “Many thanks again for all your care and attention to my case over the past few months”.  
  • Direct access client, senior executive, age discrimination dismissal (November 2023).

  • “Once again, could I thank you for your efforts and valuation contribution to getting [the client] to this stage”.
  • Professional client, disability discrimination (August 2023)

  • “AMAZING! I just wanted to say a big thank you for taking up my case and all the hard-work you put into it ….Thank you for putting the discipline in me to provide all information on time as well. I shall recommend you to my contacts for anything employment dispute related, especially discrimination!”
  • Direct access client, senior manager, unfair dismissal, discrimination and costs (May 2023).

  • “I am immensely proud of what we achieved during the hearing and can’t thank you enough for taking my case, your support and all I learned from the process along the is a win and great news!”
  • client, senior manager dismissal and race discrimination (March 2023)

  • “I am immensely proud of what we achieved during the hearing and can’t thank you enough for taking my case, your support and all I learned from the process along the is a win and great news!”
  • client, senior manager dismissal and race discrimination (March 2023)

  • “It has been a pleasure working with you too Mukhtiar.”
  • Instructing solicitor, senior manager dismissal and sex discrimination (March 2023)

  • “I just wanted to thank you for taking on the work so quickly and to thank you for your advice… You were certainly a calming influence and someone I was very comfortable to trust. ”
  • Direct access client, redundancy (December 2022)

  • “Excellent news, thank you for your hard work- would not have been possible without you and staying up all night too! C… was delighted that you were able to make the in-roads with R’s witnesses today…Many thanks for all your help this week – clearly C has been in excellent hands….Many thanks for your huge efforts.  Have just had a chat with C – she is enormously grateful for your help “their Counsel wasn’t a patch on ours!”
  • Instructing solicitor, discrimination (November 2022)

  • “… you remained incredibly calm, focussed, and sharp – I don’t think I would have!”
  • Instructing solicitor, whistleblowing and dismissal (June 2022).

  • “First of all, I must express my Gratitude to you for all what you have done for me in these proceedings. I have thought carefully about the time that you have invested, and your expertise that you have put in this case, notably; your amended grounds of appeal, numerous case authorities, your detailed skeleton arguments which you prepared for the proceedings in May 2021, and on 31 March 2022. I also note your meticulous review of this case throughout - providing me timely and precious guidance as to steps to take. I note also your preparation and presentation of my appeal in May 2021, and on 31 March 2022 - which I watched carefully. I observed the judge (at the latter hearing) pressing you on various aspects of the appeal, which you (using the words in EAT judgment) held your "mettle", and politely but firmly advanced your arguments in support of each appeal. It is this approach, which I observed, which resulted in the successful appeal on the ground of "bias" - which you observed "winning on bias is very rare". Indeed, the EAT judge repeats your very statements/points which you advanced at the hearing in the EAT judgment. Thank you! This case has been about clearing my name, which primarily through your unwavering assistance and expertise (above stated) this has been achieved. I am Grateful! I remain indebted to you. I wish you sincere "Best Wishes" in your professional work, and in assisting others who are in need of your expertise. I will unreservedly recommend you to anyone seeking representation in this area of the law.”
  • Direct access client, pro bono, race discrimination and victimisation, EAT bias (June 2022)

  • “I honestly can’t thank you enough for your support on this. I can’t even contemplate what would’ve happened if I didn’t have you in my corner on this and I will remain in eternal gratitude to you because of it. There will be some that will follow instructions and stick strictly to the terms of the brief and then there are souls like Mukhtiar who walk the journey with you and do more than the professional relationship requires.”
  • Instructing solicitor, commercial dispute (May 2023) (LinkedIn post here)

  • “Thank you for working so quickly and efficiently on my case.”
  • Direct access pregnancy discrimination (May 22)

  • “You’re amazing thank you! Thank you LinkedIn. Sent a message to the amazing Mukhtiar Singh less than 24 hours ago to help a very dear friend of mine. Within 24 hours, work done and zoom included, bish bash bosh job done! Thank you for fitting this in at such short notice you were brilliant!! Highly recommend Mukhtiar Singh for employment matters. Have a lovely weekend
  • Instructing solicitor, dismissal (June 22) LinkedIn post here

  • “It was a pleasure working with you thank you for sorting this all out for me!”
  • Direct access client, employment dispute (8/4/22)

  • “I am really grateful for your advice and support with this matter.”
  • Direct access client in a pregnancy/maternity discrimination case settled shortly before trial (14/2/22)

  • “I would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm thank you for all your support and help with the case.”
  • Direct access client in a lengthy discriminatory dismissal claim (24/2/22).

  • “Victory (for now). It has been a long struggle. I am very grateful. Honestly, this result could not have been done without your considerable input and time spent on this case. Thank you again for your kind assistance, and the hard work done in a space of 4-5 days.”
  • Pro bono direct client for an appeal to the EAT (May 21).

  • “This was a difficult application to win, especially in circumstances where the client had initially told her employers that she was not disabled when applying for her job. Mukhtiar did an absolutely sterling job!Very well done to you and thank you for all of your hard work to get the claim this far”

    “Your defence was exactly what my heart had dreamed and you pronounced exactly what my heart felt….I am in tears now as you guys have brought hope in my life that justice exists...that God exists and it is worth still fighting for a purpose in this life... I wanted you to know that you truly nailed my personality in a way that this experience will be stuck in my head now as a constant message of "hope." .. despite all the odds....”
  • Solicitor and lay client feedback in a disability discrimination case (18/3/21)

  • “We felt such a relief after having the hour-long consultation with you over the phone that we cannot explain. You summarised the case very well, pointed out pointless claims and provided us with the exact guidance we needed. Over the last one and a half year of dealing with this case, this was the first time we felt have someone on our side who we feel confident to present our honest side to the judge in a court. ”
  • Direct access client defending various employment claims (19/9/20)

  • “Thank you very much for so readily stepping in to represent me and for your assistance in closing this matter.  I will take your guidance and challenge [X] as I have no doubt that things would have been very different and less stressful had they provided a more thorough review in the first instance.  It was certainly a pleasure to work with you.  Hopefully our paths shall cross again in more favourable circumstances.”
  • Direct access client in a race and sex discrimination detriment and dismissal case (22/02/21).

  • “I wanted to write you a brief note to express my gratitude for all your help. When we first spoke in November, I was very much deflated by my situation and your support made a world of difference. Am happy to say, all has wrapped up and I’m grateful for being able to move on now. Thank you for your guidance and goodwill.”
  • Direct access client in sex discrimination dismissal (under the guise of redundancy during the Covid-19 pandemic) claim brought against a bank (25/02/21)

  • “We really appreciate your hard work, we couldn't have done this without you. I don't think any another counsel would have really understood the case, you've manoeuvred so intelligently throughout.  The last few days has been tough, but what a fitting ending! Great result for everyone, and some closure to a murky episode which has been brewing for such a long time. May god bless you and keep up the hard work for justice.”
  • Direct access client in a commercial dispute (14/6/20)

  • “I wanted to say a massive thank you for all of your help and support.  You are truly a subject matter expert, your guidance, knowledge and the care you showed me has been outstanding.  You believed in me and my case and I could not have through this without your help. At times when I would crumble knowing you were there made me feel like I had a comfort blanket and my stress levels would reduce.Mukhtiar was recommend to me by a solicitor.  Mukhtiar played a vital role in helping resolve my dispute which was very complex.  Mukhtiar is very passionate in employment law, he is keen to seek justice and is very detail orientated.  Mukhtiar does not leave any stone unturned and he possesses a fountain of knowledge when it comes to employment disputes.  I found Mukhtiar extremely knowable and his client care is outstanding.  You are not just another case, to him you are person he values and will do his best to resolve the dispute.  I highly recommend Mukhtiar Singh for any employment law disputes”.
  • Lay client following settlement in race and disability detriment and dismissal claim brought against a bank (25/9/20)

  • “Thank you kind sir, This is helpful for us , I appreciate your kindness and time to answer me, and hope you and your family keep well during this very uncertain time”.
  • In response to the Covid 19 pro bono scheme ran for key workers and local businesses during April 2020

  • “Whilst I'm blessed to have a secure job in the NHS, it's so kind and generous of you to offer free support to those who have found themselves in a situation of need and possible despair.
I like so many people I've spoken to are so grateful to people like yourself. Whilst the Covid19 is causing enormous loss in every way thinkable, I've seen and experienced the kindness and support not only in my community but across the world. I pray that when the virus has run its course, that people don't go back to how they were. I pray you your family are truly blessed through your amazing act of kindness. Every blessing”
  • Covid 19 pro bono scheme April 2020

  • "I really want to thank you for all your efforts again and for the media attention on the case. It wouldn’t be possible without you.”
  • Direct public access client following a successful religious discrimination claim (30/12/19).

  • ”I just wanted to drop a quick line to say thank you so much for the amazingly fast turnaround on this one- It's been issued now. Thank you for working so hard on it and there will be plenty more coming soon.”

    ”I'm afraid to say that you've raised the bar pretty high now............. ” 
  • Professional client in a race harassment and victimisation dismissal claim (13/1/20).

  • "Very much appreciate all the outstanding help at the early Conference – very much appreciated and got us off to the right start! "

    Professional client in a sexual orientation discrimination and dismissal claim (31/12/19).

  • "[the client] mentioned how impressed [she] is with how her case has progressed so quickly under your counsel and would be keen to do a testimonial! ”

    Direct public access client in an employment case involving discrimination of a senior manager in the financial sector (12/12/19).

  • ”I write to extent our heartfelt appreciation for your help and support but most importantly for proving that there are still honourable men who are Barristers. I lost trust in Barristers and Lawyers after my experience with my former Barrister. My husband said you are an honourable man and I agree with him 100%.”

    ” I will happily recommend you anytime to anyone who needs a Barrister. If you are happy to represent me again, I will be happy to have you represent me at my next appeal either at EAT or the court of appeal ”

    Direct public access client following successful appeal at the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) (13/11/19).

  • “I would like to personally thank you for all your hard work preparing for the hearing and for representing me at the hearing itself - I simply couldn't of done it without your help and it is very much appreciated .”

    Pro bono lay client following a perceived disability discrimination Final Hearing (4/11/19).

  • “I thank both the Solicitor and Barrister teams for your hard work and support throughout this painful process.”

    Lay client, following settlement of a negligent employment reference case (4/9/19).

  • “Just want to thank you so much for everything. I feel so strongly about this matter and so pleased our client has been vindicated! ”

    Professional client after a costs hearing in the County Court following a successful claim under the Protection of Harassment Act 1997. Costs were awarded including £20,000 interim costs (18/6/19)

  • “Great news. Thanks for all your work…I appreciate all your work on this and it was a good outcome.”

    Direct public access client claiming disability discrimination and unfair dismissal (12/6/19)

  • “Just a quick note to say thanks for the result today you did a great job over the course of the hearing! The client is very relieved with the outcome and asks me to pass on their thanks.”

    Professional client following successfully defending a six-day employment tribunal claim brought by an ex-director.

  • “Thank you so much for all your work – you have been outstanding in your support.  Your prompt response and action has been a great source of strength.”

    Direct public access client who claimed race discrimination and unfair dismissal.

  • “Thank you for representing me today. You did a great job. Thanks once again.”

    Direct public access client who claimed sex discrimination; breach of pregnancy and maternity rights; and unfair dismissal.

  • “I would like to take this opportunity to thank for all your help. I can now finally move forward with my life without the dark clouds hanging over me.”

    Direct public access client following breach of contract and misrepresentation dispute.

  • “Mr Singh was a delight - very professional and extremely well read and prepared for the day - just as you said he would be.”

    Feedback to professional client following a lengthy, but successful mediation.

  • “Many thanks for all your help on this matter and we look forward to working with you in the near future again.”

    Professional client following resolution of a complex disciplinary matter involving allegations of criminality.

  • “I have now received the final settlement payment from XLtd.  I just wanted to say thank you for all your help with this matter, it is greatly appreciated.”

    Client following a race discrimination claim

  • “That is a result Micky, very impressed especially with you having such little time to deal with it. Excellent job as usual.”

    Solicitor providing feedback following a commercial contract trial.

  • “Thank you for all of your hard work and care, it is much appreciated. Let's have a non alcoholic drink soon! ”

    Client following fitness to practise proceedings

  • “Thanks for advice and pre- action protocol letter. The speedy turnaround is much appreciated. The content and tone is spot on thank you.”

    Professional client, employment dispute involving allegations of discrimination and defamation

  • “Fantastic.  Thank you for the quick response while on holiday.   I can take it from here and hopefully will have no need to bother you on your wife’s birthday.  I will send you a confirmation note when it is all done.  Thank you for your advice, support, and services during this maddening ordeal .”

    US-based ex-director client following employment litigation in the county court

  • “Thank you for your excellent negotiating!”

    Client following a contract dispute

  • “Thank you very much for your email and for your excellent work on Ms A’s case!  I’m really pleased you were able to help her achieve such a great result – at one point I thought we might have to go all the way to the tribunal! ”

    Solicitor client in an equal pay and sex/pregnancy discrimination case

  • “I just would like to thank you and your team for all their hard work and believing in me. From the bottom of my heart thank you. Mr Singh was a lovely graceful gentleman. Thank you.May the Lord continue to bless you all.”

    Lay client to solicitor following fitness to practise proceedings

  • “Thank you for getting that lovely man on board. He was absolutely bloody magic!”

    Lay client to solicitor following county court trial

  • “I would like to offer a sincere thank you...for all your advice, expertise and support on my recent employment issue.”

    Lay client in employment dispute

  • “Yesterday, I was very moved by the acts of kindness and assistance Micky provided me at my remedy hearing. I just wanted to pass on my sincere thanks to you for the tremendous support you gave Mrs A's Remedy Hearing last week at the Reading Employment Tribunal. We greatly appreciate the time you gaveusin preparing and travelling to the Hearing. Your negotiation and drafting of the Settlement produced an outstanding result to this complex and protracted case. Your good humour and wise counsel made a stressful day a positive experience.”

    Client and representative in a discrimination and victimisation employment case

  • “I hope that you are in good health. God has answered my prayers, as X has written to my school to say that I can teach A classes. The school has given me the timetable for next year and is not going to carry out any disciplinary action against me. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank youfor all the support and guidance you have given me.”

    Client in an employment and professional discipline matter

  • “I just read this in full..that was a Masterclass in mediation. Dealt with difficult legal points and an unhelpful mediator. Very impressed, this is your best result for me so far…”

     Solicitor reading notes of a mediation meeting

  • “Thanks to the amazing Micky my case was settled yesterday! I’m absolutely over the moon. I’d love to get him something to say a big thank you for all his hard work. Thank you for all your help support and encouragement over the last two years. I really appreciate all that you’ve done.”

    Client following a lengthy employment/commercial dispute in the county court

  • “Having gone through the last two days I could not have managed without you. I am pleased to tell you the judge threw out the unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal. Many thanks for your help. We needed accurate and qualified legal argument which you gave. It also had to be shown that R (the MD) was biased, and that there were no proper procedures etc., and that C was not primarily responsible for BT and SAGE. We thank you for your cross examination of R which established this.” .

    Pro bono client and representative following final hearing for unfair dismissal