Guru Nanak Social Mobility Scholarships

Essay Guide

  1. Applicants are invited to submit an essay of between 2,500 and 3,500 words (excluding references and footnotes). The question will appear on the Current Bar Scholarships page and will be announced on LinkedIn.
  2. The successful entry will demonstrate that they have carefully considered the objectives of the Guru Nanak Social Mobility Scholarships. For example, stronger candidates will consider Sikh jurisprudence and how it may assist with the analysis of the question.
  3. First Prize is £4,000 with one year of mentoring. Further prizes of mentoring and work placements may be available.
  4. The essay must be typed; in double-spacing; include the title; state the word count; and the author. It must accompany the application form for the Scholarship.
  5. Any form of plagiarism will result in disqualification. Examples include:
  1. It is acceptable to use quotes, and other’s ideas, but you must provide citation and sources.
  2. Only one application is permitted per application.
  3. The judges’ decision will be final. Feedback will not be provided.
  4. The winning essay will be published by the Sikh Education Council and its partners. Other essays may also be published at our discretion.
  5. Winners may refer to their Scholarship on their future applications and are expected to contribute to the running of the Scholarship and support its aims in the future.
  6. Feedback on a written pupillage application will be offered to any genuine applicant meeting the application criteria.